該爐型所有產品均為整裝出廠,確保鍋爐能夠在用戶現場快速安(ān)裝,除需供水、供氣和電氣連接附件外,不要其他任何建(jiàn)築(zhù)結構和特殊的安裝工序,在鍋爐出廠前都進(jìn)行了一係列的(de)檢測和調試工作,保證了鍋爐出廠質量。 該型鍋爐主要(yào)由鍋爐本體、連接煙道、燃燒器、汽水(shuǐ)係統、儀表、節能器(qì)、冷凝器等組成。燃燒清潔(jié)、排放0汙染、操作便捷、出力充足。
The WNSL fuel gas boiler is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Boiler Safety Technology Supervision Regulations, and all the technical indexes have reached the advanced domestic level. In pursuit of high quality, the Quartet has been strictly observing national standards and ISO, ASME and other international standards in the ontology production process.
All products in the furnace are factory-assembled to ensure that the boiler can be installed quickly at the customer's site. No other building structures and special installation procedures are required except for the water supply, gas supply and electrical connections. A series of testing and commissioning work, to ensure the quality of the boiler factory. The boiler is mainly composed of a boiler body, a connecting flue, a burner, a soda system, an instrument, an energy saver, a condenser, and the like. Combustion clean, emissions pollution-free, easy to operate, sufficient output.
When fuel oil and gas quick-loading boilers use fuel, light diesel oil is generally used as fuel; gas, gas, natural gas and liquefied gas are generally used as fuel. It is widely used in hospitals, schools, textile mills, garment factories, large supermarkets, garment factories, printing and dyeing plants, hotels, canteens, restaurants, food plants, beverage plants, soy products factory, meat products factory, canning factory, , Pharmaceuticals, packaging plants, building materials factory, paint factory, swimming pool and other enterprises and institutions places.
產品規格Product specifications
- 上(shàng)一篇(piān):燃(rán)油燃氣電站鍋爐Fuel gas power station boiler
- 下一(yī)篇:SZS燃油燃氣(qì)鍋爐SZS fuel gas boiler